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Research and publication ethics

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All of the manuscripts should be prepared based on strict observation of research and publication ethics guidelines recommended by the Council of Science Editors (http://www.councilscienceeditors.org), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE, http://www.icmje.org), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME, http://www.wame.org), and the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE, https://www.kamje.or.kr, Accessed in April, 2018). Any study including human subjects or human data must be reviewed and approved by a responsible Institutional Review Board (IRB). Please refer to the principles embodied in the Declaration of Helsinki (https://www.wma.net/what-we-do/medical-ethics/declaration-of-helsinki/ Accessed in April, 2018) for all investigations involving human materials. Animal experiments also should be reviewed by an appropriate committee (IACUC) for the care and use of animals.The editor-in-chief has the right to reject a manuscript if research misconduct is suspected. When violation of publication ethics related to the papers of KJNMD is detected, the authors will be announced in KJNMD and their institutions will be informed, and there will also be penalties for the authors.

Conflict of interest

The authors must inform the editor of any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the authors' interpretation of the data. Examples of potential conflicts of interest are financial support from or connections to pharmaceutical companies, political pressure from interest groups, and academically related issues. In particular, all sources of funding applicable to the study should be explicitly stated. The guideline from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors should be referred for otherwise undescribed in reporting conflicts of interest (http://www.icmje.org/conflicts-of-interest/, Accessed on March 27, 2014).


KJNMD accepts authorship criteria recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Authorship credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 3) final approval of the version to be published; and 4) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Authors should meet conditions of 1, 2, 3, and 4. The contribution of each author should be explicitly described. A corresponding author should be designated when there are two or more authors. The corresponding author is primarily responsible for all issues to the editor and audience. The corresponding author should be responsible for all communications with KJNMD from submission to publication, keeps co-authors informed and involved during the review process, and corresponds with members of the scientific community after manuscript publication. For any changes regarding authorship, the corresponding author should submit the statement of reasons and the editorial board decides the approval of changes in authorship on request.

Redundant Publication and Plagiarism

A submitted manuscript must not be associated with any type of research misconduct, including fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism with intent to deceive by the authors. The cover letter to the editor-in-chief must declare that a submitted manuscript has not been published nor is under simultaneous consideration for publication elsewhere in whole or in part in any language except in the form of an abstract.

Research involving humans and animals

Research involving human subjects must comply with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (1964). Articles describing research involving humans and animals must state in the "Materials and Methods" section that the work was approved by the applicable institutional ethics committee or review board. The manuscript must also state that informed consent was obtained from the subjects, when appropriate.


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Editorial Office
Department of Neurology, Ilsan Paik Hospital, Inje University College of Medicine
170, Juhwa-ro, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, 10380 Korea
Tel: +82-31-910-7929    Fax: +82-31-910-7368    E-mail: joongyangcho@gmail.com                

Copyright © 2025 by Korean Society of Neuromuscular Disorders.

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