Clinical Features, Radiological Findings, and Prognosis of Bell's Palsy with Early Deterioration |
Jong Gyu Baek, Dong Kuck Lee, Jung Im Seok |
Department of Neurology, Catholic University of Daegu School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea |
조기 악화를 보인 벨마비 환자의 임상적 및 영상적 특징과 예후 |
백종규, 이동국, 석정임 |
대구가톨릭대학교 의과대학 신경과학교실 |
Abstract |
Background Bell's palsy (BP) is a condition that causes a temporary weakness or paralysis of the muscles in the face. Some patients with BP experience rapid aggravation of facial weakness in the early stage. The objective of this study was to identify the clinical and radiologic characteristics of BP with early deterioration. Methods: This retrospective study included 603 patients of BP from July 2005 to December 2016. The clinical history, neurologic examination, electrophysiological test and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were all checked at the time of diagnosis. The severity of facial palsy was assessed using House-Blackmann facial nerve grading scale. Patients with early deterioration were identified by clinical history and neurologic examination. Comparisons of clinical characteristics, radiologic findings, and prognosis were done between the early deterioration group (group 1) and no deterioration group. Results: Of 603 patients, 576 patients were included in this study. Group 1 had 257 patients (44.6%) and group 2 had 319 patients (55.4%). Between group 1 and 2, there were no significant tatistical difference in past medical history including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, family history, recurrence history, location of BP, and prognosis. However, facial nerve enhancement on brain MRI was observed in 254 patients (98.8%) with early deterioration and in 95 patient (35.4%) without deterioration. Conclusions: Facial nerve enhancement on brain MRI is more common in patients with early deterioration, but early deterioration does not affect prognosis of BP. |